Global solutions in hydraulic. Since 1965
Our engineering concept is based on a solid technology, understood as a demand for innovation and capacity as continuous improvement of our processes and products, where communication with our customers is constant and open, from the beginning of the project until the delivery.
Our qualified engineering department offers the most suitable solutions, technically and economically, including our own calculation procedures, optimizing costs and weights, resistance to fatigue and corrosion, low maintenance, high pressure, extreme temperatures, high speeds, etc. .
We also work with advanced software design in 2D and 3D, to give the chance to our customers to integrate into their projects.
Moreover, STERN is also involved in R+D+i with research centers and other businesses in obtaining competitive advantages for our customers, and the development of new products
STERN participates in the European INTEFIX project that deals with the integration of new and state of the art technologies (sensors, actuators, control algorithms, simulation tools…) applied to the workpiece handling systems to develop intelligent and modular fixtures capable of modify the behaviour and interactions between the process and systems in machining operations; reducing time and costs with improved performance and capabilities.