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Global solutions in hydraulic. Since 1965

Surface treatment for piston rods

The surface of the piston rods is one of the critical points in all hydraulic installations. An appropriate combination of base material and processing technology, along with the sealing system used in the corresponding hydraulic enviroment, is essential to optimize durability and cost-effectiveness.

Depending on the application, and based on the experience of STERN and our partners, we advise on the most appropriate treatment and quality of materials in any given application. Some possibilities for surface treatment:

  • Hard chrome
  • Chrome multilayer
  • Nickel chrome
  • NIL35
  • Ceramic (plasma, HVOF...)
  • Sintered-on Ni-Cr-Bo-Si
  • Nitride
  • Welding Pta
  • Laser cladding
  • Others ...


STERN is involved in the project super-WEAR (New cost-effective ceramic coating suspension with superior wear and insulating properties) of the Eurostars program.

The purpose of this project, which lasts 30 months, is to obtain the profitable ceramic thermal spray coatings that improve the wear behavior and corrosion, with the goal of implementing, in an industrial level and for the first time in Europe,the Thermal Spraying Suspension (STS) technique.

The ceramic coatings obtained by Suspension Thermal Spraying offer interesting advantages compared to traditional thermal spray coatings, such as a highly refined structure, smoother surfaces, thinner layers of filler, improved wear resistance and insulating properties. For all this, the STS technique can provide the industry with higher performance wear coatings that would offer the possibility to replace hard chrome techniques removing Cr (VI).

In this bilateral project between Germany and Spain, funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), part OBZ Innovation, GTV Verschleißschutz, STERN Hidráulica and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, counting as well with the collaboration of the Basque research center TEKNIKER.